Event Safety

How can we help you and your event?
We've produced events for many years across different industries and different continents, enabling us to bring extensive experience to your event.
From agricultural shows to corporate events and festivals to public city festivals we are able to support you and your event ensure both staff and visitors enjoy the event safely.
Through careful listening we aim to understand your event and its objectives and we will work to be part of your event team, supporting you to plan and manage your event safely.
We produce and manage events too, so we understand the realities and challenges faced when organising and running any event. That experience means we can offer objective and practical ways to ensure your event complies with regulation and legislation.
There shouldn't be much that can't be achieved at an event if it's planned properly and the correct resources are put in place to protect everyone.
Our team can help guide you through the planning process, such as compiling your Event Safety Management Plan, carrying out contractor competency checks, crowd management planning, right through to on-site management and post event debriefs
Our team are members of various safety bodies including IOSH & IIRSM and as well as health and safety qualifications we also have specialist training and certification in event specific elements such as; crowd safety, laser safety, temporary demountable structures and much more.
We look forward to discussing your event and how we can support you.
Support and advice to the event team
Contractor/Supplier tender input and review
Contractor/Supplier documentation submission review/auditing
Support and attendance to Safety Advisory Groups (SAG) and liaison with authorities where required
Authoring or review of Event Safety Management Plans (ESMP)
Authoring or review of event risk assessment & method statements
Fire safety planning
Construction Phase Plans
Site design, capacity, ingress, circulation and egress planning
Crowd Management Planning
Food concession safety auditing
Contingency Planning & table-top exercises
Staff and steward briefings and training
Provision of Event Safety Advisors
Provision of Crowd Safety Advisors
On-site compliance monitoring
Food Safety Advisors including inspection of food preparation areas
Delivery of site inductions
Control room support
Weather monitoring
Emergency Team Liaison
Incident recording/investigation
Post event:
Incident investigation reporting and recommendations
Debrief - As important as everything before it, is to review and event and gain feedback from all stakeholders. Understanding what didn’t work so well and what worked really well will provide a sound base for future events.