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Event Safety for Food & Drink Fair

We were once again back in Malvern this weekend for a brand new Food & Drink fair at the Three Counties Showground, Malvern. We worked with the organising team ahead of the event to produce H&S documentation and provide advice especially relating to CoViD mitigation measures.

The event was designed for 5000 visitors – a much lower number than usual events – and featured around 130 food and drink related stands in an outdoor market style layout. As CoViD restrictions relaxed slightly this was the first event where live entertainment was once again permitted and we worked with the organiser to ensure suitable measures were followed to keep performers and visitors alike safe from the virus.

The weather gave us some challenges with predicted strong winds, with pre-event structure auditing and checks bolstered in line with the forecast. The wind gusts remained at a safe level and didn’t pose too many issues, but having a suitable wind management plan in place gave confidence that we could react if required.

It’s an important reminder that whilst CoViD19 is very much in our minds at the moment, the usual H&S risks all still remain and must not be forgotten.

If you are planning and event or need to review your existing events safety measures in place we would be happy to discuss how we can support your team.


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