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Hanbury Summer Show 2021

After the cancellation of their 2020 show, Kingsford Events were delighted to be selected as the Event Health and Safety Advisors to Hanbury Countryside Show.

The 2021 show was planned as a smaller show compared to normal with less livestock and content. We worked with the organisers to begin to understand their organisation and way of working. Developing their Event Safety Management Plan (ESMP), risk assessments, fire assessments and contingency plans. Onsite our advisors monitored the build and live phases to ensure any issues were quickly identified and addressed. All food traders were inspected by our Food Hygiene advisor to ensure they were fit to serve food to the visitors.

We look forward to the 2022 show and continuing to work with the Society and developing their H&S systems.

Photo of visitors enjoying outdoor countryside show, with marquees, display rings and people with their dogs
Hanbury Summer Show 2021

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